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A Simple Haskell Daemon that monitors for new pull requests in a list of repos, and notifies you if there is a new one


Status Inactive
Language Haskell
License MIT
Role Maintainer


A Simple Haskell Daemon that monitors for new pull requests in a list of repos, and notifies you if there is a new one

How to Use

  • Create a new Github application (see here)

  • Create a .envrc (or .env if you don't have direnv) with your personal access token, e.g. export PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN = "foobarbaz"

  • Source that file

  • build or run it with stack

  • Pass the name of the owner and the name of the repo as args, e.g. ./path/to/pullwatch-exe ownername reponame

  • Make sure your desktop environment supports DBus notifications (e.g.